Egypt: medical examinations before marriage between disclosure and Shuffle

Did not hand over the Egyptian law that makes medical examination before marriage is binding, attempts to overthrow fever within the desire to get rid of the group family-related laws passed in the era of former President Hosni Mubarak, Prince or his wife as some like to say. But the Administrative Court rejected a lawsuit brought by an NGO in this regard, resolutions in favor of the Ministers of Health and justice compel wanting to marry a medical examination. The fact that this obligation has encountered a lot of rejection and the difficulties in Egypt. From the outset, it was found that some people commit affects their personal freedom, and he saw others blatant interference in the personal secrets, especially in relation to the subject of sexual ability in men which puts eastern society red lines on it.
The result? There is a phenomenon circumvent these mandatory tests, using false medical certificates,
come get it in the context of a series of corruption that has beset the Egyptian society in the era of Mubarak, in addition to ignorance of the community of the importance of the medical examination for the health of the couple and their offspring as well.

Three tests
In this regard, said Dr. Najwa Abdul Majeed professor of human genetics in the «Egyptian National Center for Research», that there are three types of tests are mandatory before marriage. The first aims to avoid genetic diseases. The second seeks to demonstrate the ability to reproduce. According to the third in the prevention of diseases that may be passed through sexual contact. Majid noted that the importance of these tests comes from its role in preventing the transmission of diseases is a phenomenon, the most important «anemia Mediterranean» Mediterranean Anemia, also known as «Thelatemia» Thalassemia. And were included in the same context, the issue of early detection of diseases that lead to infertility and chronic diseases such as diabetes in the mother
Noted Abdul Majid that mandatory testing also give an assessment of the history of the family of the couple, which contributes in the detection of genetic elements related to congenital anomalies and deformities of the heart and the nervous system and imbalance of metabolism and, by extension, the importance of testing become more prominent in the case of inbreeding. She also noted the presence of some diseases can be prevented or treated before marriage, such as factors associated with oral abnormalities in children called «hare lip» Hare Lip, which can be prevented by giving pregnant women folic acid and adjust the rate of diabetes in the blood during pregnancy. Majeed and gave another example is borne diseases that may be the mother of male children, Khishashh chromosome «X» X Chromosome, which may lead to the birth of a child at risk of disease, seizures Epilepsy, which refers to the general error as «Epilepsy».
She explained that these things are not meant to prevent inbreeding, but the need to control females who have the genetic elements to qualify for these diseases, and for follow after marriage.
In the same context, Dr. Samir Nimr, a specialist in the medical and pathological analysis, that the list of tests required for the newlyweds is not fixed, but vary depending on the case. And that there is a general analysis and tests, and tests are being identified after studying the medical history of the newlyweds and their families.He also stressed that the importance of the medical examination before marriage is that it puts a clear picture in front of the parties, so as not to accuse someone by deception or fraud, as well as provide an opportunity for treatment before marriage, or to avoid some of the problems, either by following the tips and certain precautions or using certain medications before pregnancy or during , in order to ensure the health of the fetus.
Beyond the disease
In a related development, he pointed to the tiger and the presence of five types of problems that may face the couple, and thus testing arranged accordingly. The first relates to the inability to complete the marital relationship for reasons of membership derived from defective hormonal or congenital (revealed by visual inspection), or because of defects in the circulatory system affect the erection, which may require surgical intervention and use of certain assistive devices, or because of diabetes, or disorder nervous system may also be related to psychological factors, treatable. And respect of the second type of problems that may hinder pregnancy, including the number of sperm in males, which must be at least 20 million sperm per cubic centimeter, and if this level decreased chance of pregnancy become almost non-existent except artificial insemination. In some cases, be a sufficient number of sperm, but pregnancy does not occur, probably due to the presence of thick pus resulting from chronic inflammation in the genital tract, if laboratory discovered the examination of the semen before marriage becomes easy to treat.
The tiger also talked about obstacles to pregnancy by women, such as disorders associated with the size of the uterus and ovulation hormone and the presence of fibrous tumors and cysts on the ovary, and others. And facilitates the discovery of these disorders with ultrasound scan and the level of the hormone ovulation.
The third type includes tests of chronic diseases that threaten the life of one of the parties, requires certain precautions (subject to acceptance of the other party), including heart valve defects, diabetes, tuberculosis, pulmonary disease and seizures, and chronic kidney disease. And often find these cases through the regular clinical inspection, with some analysis of urine and blood. And the third examination, according to the opinion of a tiger, serious diseases transmitted through sexual contact, which are either genital diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea (this disease has obvious symptoms), or viral diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS viruses, and others. And the lame tiger in his speech on genetic diseases that may infect the fetus due to the infection of the mother during pregnancy or as a result of blood group incompatibility between the spouses, or the result of a defect in the genes. He also addressed the disease «Tksoblasmosz» Toxoplasmosis associated with associating with pets in the home, which leads to various abnormalities of the fetus may be delivered to the abortion. And discovered the disease analysis of blood, and can be treated before pregnancy occurs. Eating tiger and some diseases that occur as a result of the incompatibility of some components of blood type when the couple, especially the component known as the «RH» RH. If the married man with a component «RH» is positive, a girl has a «RH» negative, consisting of antibodies in the mother resists the «RH» located at her husband. And mixed with the blood of these objects the fetus, causing cracking Krath vessels, and possibly his death in utero. In contrast, the identification of this case through the analysis of pre-marriage, avoiding duplicated by injection of the parent material prevent the formation of antibodies during pregnancy.
He concluded his eating tiger genetic diseases resulting from a defect in the genes or chromosomes. Given that tests of this case are many and costly, is determining the necessary tests in each case based on medical history in my family, spouses, and over the relationship between the couple, which increases with the possibility of the emergence of many of these diseases. In these cases, being with the analysis of chromosomes fee for the installation of an electric iron blood «hemoglobin» Hemoglobin leading to the appointment of the possibility of a genetic disease in the blood. Finally, there are tests reveal the possibility of the birth of a child suffering from a disease «Almnglh» Mongolian child Mongolism, also known as «the phenomenon of Dawn» Dawn's Syndrome. In this case, does not prevent the couple from marrying, but not Ansahan reproduction.

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