Marine insurance policies.. Lloyd's document. London to complex marine underwriters. The French marine insurance policy

As for the history of marine insurance documents, it can be said that the marine insurance market has known many of the marine insurance. 
And the oldest marine insurance policy found is Italian document dated (10/23/1347), The document included insurance of the ship Santa Clara (Santa Clara) During its journey from the port of GNU Italy to Majorca (Majorcarca) Among the conditions contained in that document, a requirement that a ship deviation from the usual route makes a false document. As for the first marine insurance policy known in France, is a document issued in (1584) and found in the archives of the Chamber of Commerce in Marseille, which is an insurance policy on the goods loaded on the ship (St.Itary) From Marseille to the port of Tripoli.
We find that the insurance companies in France and placed two Typical documents. The first was a model of insurance on ships in 1941 and amended in 1949. 
The second document was a private insurance on goods transported by sea and developed in 1944 and has also amended in 1947. It could be argued that both of these documents were Accompanied additional conditions that may be included in the document. 
As for the oldest marine insurance policy written in English is found in (1921) within the archives of the Indian government information office, due date of this document to the year (1657), and includes merchandise value (400) pounds loaded on the ship (Three brothers) Three brothers on the journey from Bantam to London and paid insurance (5%). 
Believers have been in England using a standard insurance policy for ships and goods have the symbol(SG) Which means vessels and cargoes (Ship and Good) That settled in the current wording since (1779), known as the (document Lloyd) with the use was not limited to members of Lloyd's and all that distinguishes document used by members of Lloyd's is the motto of the form bristle compound on the fringes, and the phrase stating that the document Not signed only members Lloyd's, and anyone who visits this slogan subjected to criminal punishment, under the Lloyd's Act of 1871. 
And I have been drafting this document for severe criticism, especially by the judges, as the judge (Lord Msnfelad) may be described as a strange tool. The judge (Lawrence) has described it close came phrases that are a lot of flexibility, however there are those who oppose the amendment, because each statement which may select their meanings legal judgments numerous issued in dispute, which was sparked by insurance, they also gained the length of use science workers what is meant by the marine insurance. 
Because not keep up with the first model (model S and G ) Which was developed by Lloyd's, as it was limited to keep abreast of developments in the field of maritime transport, the researchers in the field of marine insurance they develop another model of this document by the underwriters Complex in London(Institute of London underwriters) Develop a model for cargo insurance document (Gargo) The last ship insurance (Ships) . 
This model was not only a simplified document to document (SG) Old with the condition of not ensure seizure and attachment (FCS) To the policyholder on the ships. Lama and cargo insurance policy has been added to it on condition that ensure the unrest, riots and civil unrest (SRCC) As well as to the requirement of drugs. 
In (1850) occurred in the model document Lloyds configurable change, ie, that the contents of the document has not changed all that there that the document has changed in terms of style and the words presented. 
This change was not the last, which involved a document Lloyds but that the criticism began to prevail again on the language of the document, and the amendments they cancel each other, and the inclusion of the document to the dangers were of reality any link. 
This led to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to call in order to reach a global instrument of Marine Insurance, dominated justice and simplicity in order to keep abreast of developments in the field of international trade world. 
Despite the refusal of some parties to this invitation in creating a new model for Lloyds document, on the grounds that it will need a lot of issues in order to make the document clear to clients in terms of the intent and meaning. 
But the change has happened, where it was agreed to adopt a new model in 1982 was characterized by simplicity and ease of understanding, which led to the global spread of this document. 
And became a marine insurance contract is in the light of: 
1- Terms complex vessels Insurance (duration). 
2- Terms complex for cargo insurance (a). 
3- Terms complex for cargo insurance (b). 
4- Terms complex for cargo insurance (c). 
And used by many countries and maritime insurance policy English translated by most countries to the language of the texts in order to facilitate knowledge by the insured. 
In Iraq is the use of a Lloyd's document like the rest of the world, this document shall be attached to a set Terms of insurance issued by insurance complex in London. 
It seems that the typical documents used in the world today are three documents: the document in English issued by the London complex marine underwriters (which are used in Iraq). 
The document issued by the U.S. compound underwriters England in 1948, and this document are similar to the document in English and differs only in the order of conditions contained therein and revenue certain conditions at the center of the document. In the document in English, we find that the conditions are separate from the document attached. The third document is a document French marine insurance. 
With regard to the history of the emergence of floating insurance policy, it can be said that it had appeared in the sixteenth century in Spain. 
We believe that the emergence of this document in Spain has had its causes, it is known that this state of the maritime countries of ancient because of its geographical location 0 as it is a peninsula surrounded by water from destinations three, so we find has been active in the process of shipping, as the goods were transferred to inside and outside that country by sea. 
The merchants of exporters and importers need to secure their goods, it is natural that document normal for Do not block need traders who used to work trade continuously and unusual, but may be a hindrance to these traders and in front of their businesses, so he found both the insurer and the insured has wanted to find in the document floating.