Lesions of the tongue lying

Lying is bad from the scourge of the tongue lesions, and mental illness, if treatment is not promptly claimed by the owner to the fire, a bad decision.
If the slogan of honesty, the faithful of the signs of lying hypocrites, Allah says:} If the hypocrites come to you see you said to the Messenger of God, and God knows you to His Messenger and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars {hypocrites: 1].
My brother-Karim: The violation of the clear and common in our society, lies in the use of word and deed, and in the sale and purchase, in contracts and appointments .. And the leniency of the order lying until people have been brought up young and has no qualms about adults.
And ordered to lie very dangerous as it is haraam things that lead a person to Hell, it even said the prayer «The lie
Leads to immorality and immorality leads to Hell A man is lying and lying until he was checking with God a liar »Agreed. 
False and no matter how hard it must cover the same God that reveals that sooner or later, ashamed of his sin and false, do not surprised if you do not Astouhh comrade near him.
Not that bad goods, what makes you Muslim brother to deal with it?

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